Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Classes have Begun!

So I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I am excited to have started classes and meeting even more people than I met before (especially a LOT more egyptians) but on the other hand I was having so much fun just hanging out with the girls and going out every night that I guess I got spoiled.

I wrote in the last blog how I had missed my first class, and the rest of them went alright. My next class was International Finance which seems like it's going to be tough but the professor is very intelligent. I don't like pompous people and he seems to talk about himself A LOT especially how intelligent he is and how he finished college at 19 and went straight to Wall Street. Whoop dee doo. Anyhows it's going to be challenging but I'm always up for a good tussle with the books so bring it on. My next class was People and Culture of the Middle East & North Africa which is completely not what I expected. I don't really know what I expected but I feel as if what we talk about has nothing to do with the title of the class. Maybe it's too early to tell and I will save my judgements for another post but for now this is how I feel about it. On top of the class being dry I already found that one person who's going to be the "Miss Know IT All" during the semester and always has to object the class to her opinion even if it's on the syllabus. After that course I had Ancient Egypt which seems like it will be pretty easy for the most part and the coolest thing is that we'll be going on field trips for the class to the pyramids and also to the Egyptian Museum.

Mondays and Wednesdays are going to be my longest days because I have 4 classes, the 3 I mentioned above and the one that I missed, Professional Selling. I went to this class today and was so shockeddddd. My teacher is a tiny man with a HUGE mustache that grows over his lip and he must have the loudest personality of any teacher I've ever had in my LIFE. Taking this as an 8:30 AM class prooooobably wasn't the best idea on my part since it's comparable to sitting in front of the loudest amp in the loudest club in NYC. The professor practically yells at the top of his lungs and then randomly explains things in Arabic (which I of course don't speak). The class itself seems extrememly easy for a 400 level course and the teacher explains everything from the powerpoint which of course comes straight from the book.

My other class which I have on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday is Ancient Egyptian Religion & Ethics. This class I think I'm really going to like, even though the professor speaks very sloooowly. I don't know if it's because I'm from the East Coast of the US and we tend to speak faster but I always just want to finish her sentence and have her move on to the next instead of spending 5 minutes on one thought. Regardless, I've heard that she's a great teacher and I'm looking forward to the class.

The past couple days have been good so far. The other night was Shelby's birthday so we went to Cafe Vivant to celebrate it with her which was amazing. The staff there LOOVE us and we always joke with them and practice our Arabic with them. They have the most amazing food and dessert one could every dream of and it's so quick. I'll have to take a picture of my favorite dessert there next time I go, the chocolate crepe. It's to die for...

Today I met a really nice girl in a couple of my classes. I've been trying to make friends with the Egyptians here but a lot of them are cliquish and don't seem to want to talk. Regardless her name is Imane, and I actually saw her in my first and second class but didn't really pay her any mind until I heard her speaking in French. After class I caught up to her and asked her if she was French and she told me that she was Moroccan which is even more astonishing! So we chatted for a few minutes and exchanged numbers and she told me to call her if I needed anything so I might practice a little french with her while I'm here which is really cool.

So tomorrow I just have my one class, Ancient Egyptian Religion and Ethics, and then I think I'm just going to stay in the library for a while to do some homework since I have nothing else to really do for the rest of the day. I also need to reflect on what's important in my life and come to realize what's best for me instead of putting everyone else's needs first.

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